Meet Nyirabashumba Letitia & ‘The Girl Champions’ project
“Through The Girl Project, I learned to be in charge of my life, to collaborate and transform gender norms in my community”
—Nyirabashumba Letitia
Meet 19 year old Nyirabashumba Letitia. Growing up in Kayonza district in Rwanda, she and her 3 sisters were brought up to believe that they are of lesser value in their communities. Trying hard to prove otherwise, Letitia and her sisters would engage in activities commonly associated with boys (like riding a bicycle, using an Axe to get firewood), but would be discouraged and often abused by their parents and community members for stepping outside gender norms.
“This is just the way they all grew up. We have been struggling with our gender role since we were born trying to convince people that we can also make it”
Letitia didn’t give up, in 2018 she was selected to participate in the ‘Girl Champions Project’, held in Kabarondo’s Rwanda Women’s Network Safe Space. During a 5 day skill development program, Letitia and other girls unpacked topics like: Gender, Gender Based Violence, getting Sexual Reproductive Help. The girls also went through financial training and got to set up their own financial goals and stand up a ‘girls savings group’ via the Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA).
Throughout the program, parents were also encouraged to participate in positive parenting conversations facilitated by Women Space Facilitators in Kabarondo Safe Space.
Transformation followed:
Determined to break conventions in her community, Letitia set her goal to be financially independent and in control of her life. She managed to buy a hen from her savings, grew chicks which she later sold and used the money to buy a pig (buying and owning a pig is considered a great accomplishment, as pigs cost a lot). She also mentioned that her relationship with her parents vastly improved and they no longer abuse or discourage her from pursuing her goals.
Today, Letitia is not only financially independent, she has also gained confidence and is a mentor to 30 girls in her community, paving their way to change.
About The Girls Champions Project
The ‘Girl Champions Project’ was developed in collaboration with Kvinna Kvinna to educate girls about Gender Based Violence, getting reproductive help and financial literacy.
Through this 5 day program we are empowering girls to break gender norms and create a better future. The workshops are held in groups to create a network of support and collaboration.
So far, over 200 girls in 11 districts across Rwanda participated in this program.
Help us end gender inequality in Rwanda:
Our goal is to extend our reach to all 30 districts in Rwanda! By that enabling all women in Rwanda to have access to gender based violence support, healthcare, and financial education.
Join us in this important mission